For those of you who have not seen this film, i say see it now. I don't know whether, like me, you'll love it or
if you'll absolutely despise it. But whatever you do see it. It follows our lead Ron Burgundy (played by Will Ferrel) as an
anchorman of the 70's revered by his peers and loved by all in his city of San Diego. At a time when things are changing and
women are beginning to read the news we follow Ron's fall from grace and then his final redemption. The film is packed full
of insanely funny characters including the weather reporter Brick Tamlan who, we are told, is mentally retarded. Its genius
stuff man, and you know what? if you don't like it then fuck you, cos i don't like you.
MYSTIC RIVER Oscar winner, which means next to nothing to me, but a great
film. Fucking ace turns by all the main actors including the highly under
rated Kevin Bacon, who steals the film for me. What happened to this guy? He makes quality films like Tremors and
Sleepers then isn't in anything of note for years.Ole grissly Clint directs and its a weeper which is par for the course for
the old boys these days. Anyway, all I can think about now is Tremors.
A FEW GOOD MEN Don't know what made me think of this apart from the fact
it's a good film and tom cruise's midgety face is all rounf the TV these days. Jack Nicholson plays the same pyscho
character as always and acts everyone , except Cruise , off the screen. Kevin Bacon is also in it which i forgot, and
can only be a good thing for the film. Keifer Sutherland has tiny bit part as does Noah Wyle aka Carter from ER. He will
be sadly missed at County General but something tells me Pratt is gonna do just fine. Anyway, Cruise puts in a mighty performance
for a midget, and seems almost 5 foot tall at times. Nicholson is crazy, just pure crazy and Demi Moore, who was a big star
at the time, just seems to do nothing. Lazy bitch. A film that cant even give people like Keifer or Noah good roles is worth
watching in my book.
PHILADELPHIA Highly overrated actor Tom Hanks stars in this film about
a queer lawyer who is fired by his law firm on account he has caught the gay plague. Good some of you say....couldn't
agree more. However, gay tom tries to fight the decision and wins in a heart rendering and touching moment...if you're a poof.
I jest of course. the film is excellent and Denzel Washington acts Hanks off the screen as his attorney in the case. Antonio
Banderas plays Tom Hanks' even gayer than he is boyfriend and the film is a winner on all counts. Just try watching the funal
scenes between Denzel and Tom and then the scene at Tom's wake with a dry eye.
CRIMSON TIDE Black man = Denzel Washington, white man = Gene Hackman. Gene
Hackaman = embittered old racist and all roung general nut. Denzel Washington = young upcoming star destined to replace
old Gene. This is the formula for a brilliant and tense submarine film. Russsian rebels have gained control of nuclear arms
last we heard and could be preparing an attack on the US...but god dammit we've lost radio contact. You think thats gonna
stop old Gene Hackman as a navy Commander in charge of a nuclear submarine near Russia from nuking the hell out of any danger
to America? Even if it is full of blacks dammit. Step in Denzel, the submarines second in command who disagrees with crazy
Hackman's course of action, and also just happens to be black. The ship's crew split as some stand by their Captain and some
back up big Denzel. Brilliantly tense scenes and a great cast which includes James Gandolfini and Viggo Mortenson make this
a must see.
TRADING PLACES Dan 'the man' Ackroyd is the person of superior race here,
starring opposite Eddie Murphy. Two of the funniest actors on the planet in their day and this shows you why. a greta
film in which Murphy's street con artist is given Dan's top executive job for the purposes of a bet. Dan finds himself on
the street whil Eddie lives the life of luxury. Jamie Lee Curtis also does her customary 'tits out' job as Ackroyd's love
interest.Film is full of funny lines and Ackroyd and Murphy make a great duo.