Tin Tin
Classic screen adaptation of the popular Belgian comic strip and cartoon Tin Tin . Starring a typically drunken and loutish
Lee Marvin as Captain Haddock , and a young Rick Mayall as Tin Tin . Also watch out for an Emmy Award Winning performance
by Oliver Reed as The General , and Humphry Bogarde as The Thompson Twins . (1975)
Sterero , Subtitles 888
Supermarket Weightloss
Extremist game show in which Dale Winton forces members of the public round a supermarket with him strapped to their
backs whilst he screams a mryiad of "eat but don't cheat!" and "next time you hear the beep think , of the fun you could be
having on supermarket sweep , you muther fucking cunts!" .
Niles nearly kills himself during a weightlifting session , so in revenge he locks the gymnasium door and gasses to death
all of it's gold card members . Meanwhile an ashen faced Frasier visits only to see the rapid decline in Niles' metal health
Boys Don't Cry
Fly On The Wall documentarry starring square jawed yolkell Hilllary Swank as she visits texan solely gay high school
for a fearfull insight into how such an abomination is allowed to go on in George Bush's own back yard .
Breif History Of Electropop
Professor and Simpsons star Steven Hawkings describes in eye wateringly drollfull stutters and
electronic beeps , his version of events that led to the creation of "Electropop" music . Includes interviews with Yazoo ,
Yazz, and a world weary Gary Numan , who at one stage decided to remix "Cars" with the voice of his host , Steven .