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Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights  
Ugly scenes as during a visit to the Mirage Hotel , Andre decides to take in a Siegfried and Roy show . Voilence and terror ensue as a drunken Andre goads a white siberian tiger into mauling the audience .

Lou is left fighting for his life after a shot at playing chicken goes horribly wrong . Meanwhile Stingray is left shocked when Susan stabs a carving knife into his over energised face .

Iggy Pop Dout Hunter    
We follow singer/songwriter Iggy Pop as he scours the streets of Edinburgh in search of ciggarette butts . UK version of popular American hit , Butt Town .
Subtitles 888

Political/fly on the wall documentarry . We follow Californian Govenor Arnold Schwarnegger as he hunts down prothsetically limbed cocaine smugglers , tearing their legs off and snarling "cokainum" at them in a Russian accent .
Subtitles 888

Hilarity strikes again as Robert Downey Jnr's elephant re-hab programme takes another disasterous turn . Whislt on a herion binge Robert's elephant tears his clothes off and drags his unconsious , drugg addled bodie to the home of Elton John .

Steven Fry's Hunt The Cunt
On realising the enormity of his task , Steven lets close freind and shaggy haired idiot Allan Davies run him down and kill him .

Honey I Killed The Kid     
Hillarious sequel in which Rick Morranis tries to hide the fact he killed his 8 year old from freinds and familly alike . Watch him as he instals complex animatronics in the corpse , only for neighbour Jim (Bill Murray) to spill beer all over them . Also starring Keanu Reeves Ted Theadore Logan character . (1997)
Sterero , Subtitles 888


Magnum P.I.S.S   
Quirky game show in which Dale Winton forces male members of the public to eat vast quantities of Magnum ice lollies untill they attain a state of drunkardness .

Niles is left visably shaken after an argument at a dry cleaners leaves the owners bruttally murdered . Real time episode in which Niles tries to find another dry cleaners , but can he do it at such short notice .

Pretty Vagrant
Docudrama starring John Lydon as he prowls the streets of Camden in search for attractive young homeless girls for him to molest . Also breifly starring Morrisey .

Breif History Of Brit Pop
Professor and Simpsons star Steven Hawkings describes in painfully embarrising stutters his version of events that led to the creation of "Brit Pop" music . Includes interviews with Blur , Oasis, and a particularly drunk and offensive crowbar weilding Jarvis Cocker .


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