Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights
In a moment of unrestrained drunken madness , Andre asks an outrageously missshapen Bjorn Borg to partner
him in the US Open Doubles Championship . Ugly scenes as a miscreant Bjorg fails to return one shot , and is subsequently
enwrangles a unravveling Andre in a child abuse scandal .
Stingray slits his throat in a vain effort to diffuse his yabbering voice box . Meanwhile Carl accuses Max Hoijland's
father of using Nazi cryogenic technology to defy all logic and appear younger than his son .
StarTrek The Next Generation
Whilst visiting a hostile planet Picard leaves Riker in command of the ship . Chaos and terror as Riker snags a bollock
on ther corner of a gangway , causing Worf to fly into a voilent panic and Geordie to seperate the ship sending thousands
to their death in the godforsaken desolate vacuum of space .
Frank Skinner's Gurning Face
Banal reality show in which Frank Skinner pulls a myriad of gurns into a camera
hidden in his bathroom cabinet .
Subtitles 888
Round The Twist
More haunting goings on from the twist familly . Bronson grows a humanoid drone out of old boot
strings and cabbages , whilst Pete's mouth is stretched tenfold through some mystic lavatory fountain .
Rick Mayall's Sick Mail
Rick sends staunch royallisit ex anarchist halfwit turn coat ex funnyman wannabee dreadfull writer Ben Elton a faux knighthood
from the queen , sparking deeply upsetting embarresment .