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Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights  
After having started a fight with former heavy weight champion of the world George Foreman , Andre is taken to hospital and read his last rights . Breifly featuring a steroid crazed Richard Krycheck .

After stumbling upon Harold's hoard of indecently photographed children , Lou has a stroke . Meanwhile Paul Robinson plots to turn Ramsey street into a depraved Red Light district . Also a heartbroken Carl stumbles around Susan's back yard with an ether soaked rag tied round his face .

Aberdeen Casuals      
A retrospecitve look at the vicoius 1980's football hooligans named "Aberdeen Casuals" . Candid interviews with Gordon Strackan , who once got  dart lodged in his skull , and Alex Fergusson , who was once mistakenly beaten to death by his own fans .
Subtitles 888

Political/fly on the wall documentarry . We follow Californian Govenor Arnold Schwarnegger as he hunts down crooked cops and freezes them to death with Nitrogen amid screams of "No Problemo" .
Subtitles 888

Sheakspear And I
We follow "Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderfull Life" star Richard E Grant as he downs relevant bottles of spirits and reads aloud Sheakspear plays in inner city shopping malls . This week voilence errupts as Richard forgets his lines to Romeo And Juliet and turns to savage outcries for John Leguziamo and Pauli from Goodfellas .

Mugabi's Gay White Farm Mayhem 
A modern day political gameshow in the style of Pat Sharpe's FunHouse . Captured gay white farmers from Zimbabwe have to run for their lives through a torturous labrnyth of spikes and flame . The winning contestant is given the chance to flee for their lives in a Go-Kart whilst being chased down by a convoy of Robert Mugabi's most vicious twisted cabinet ministers .


Rod Hull & Emu
Oscar nominated performance by Daniel Day Lewis as he explores the life and times of "The Puppet Master" Rod Hull , and his extrodinary psycho-sexual relationship with "Emu" . Also starring Clint Eastwood as Micheal Parkinson
Sterero , Subtitles 888

Extremely Violent Celebrity De-Tox 
Celebrity reality show set in the Bolivian mountains and Hosted by Roland Rivron . This week The Rock has his arse torn apart to heighten his masculinity  .

Niles nearly chokes Daphnie to death , sickened by her stupid accent . Things come to a tumultuous head when Daphnie's loutish brother appears spouting yet more hideous accent .

You're My Wife Now Dave
We follow celebrity turned gypsy Noel Edmunds , as he scours the land , blacked up , selling pegs and capturing married women . Tonight Noel dons his "Mr Blobby" outfit as he trys to ensnarl a child to sell on to Jeremy Beadle's gimped hand at great proffit .

Breif History Of 50 Cent  
Professor and Simpsons star Steven Hawkings describes in voilently aggitated electronic barks , his version of events that led to the creation of "50 Cent's" Career . Includes horrfically anti-social interviews from Eminem , and a talk with self obsessed white gold , new money , money can't buy you class , money can't buy you style , money can't buy you social respectability , skipped hats , trainers and suits , Usher .


You're making an enemy of your future