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Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights  
Andre is shackled and carried off the premesies after a 96 hour marathon at the a Blackjack table in The Plaza Casino ends in a tearfull , violent breakdown , and the loss of over $200,000 . We also see Andre pawn his Wimbeldon Mens Doubles Medal .

Whilst coming off of a week long amphetamine bender , Harold decides to try and sleep with Izzy . Terror strikes Ramsey street as a red eyed hungover Carl accidentally drives his car into Toadie's swiming pool , horrifically killing Bob .

John McLaine's 100 Top Terrorist Attacks     
Bruce Willis dons his filfthy vest one more time as he counts down the top 100 Terrorist Attacks in the style of his famous Die Hard character . John puts a comedic twist on the Lockerbie bombings and tries to raise a smile from 9/11 survivors by telling them how he would've saved them all with naught but one handgun and a pair of ill fitting black fau-leather Hi-Tech trainers .   
Subtitles 888

Raw Deal
Political/fly on the wall documentarry . We follow Californian Govenor Arnold Schwarnegger as he hunts down buisness deals that have gone sour at one end , and avenges the victim by fatally stabbing the other client to the sound of a strange 80's remix of "Jumping Jack Flash" .
Subtitles 888

Sheakspear And I
We follow "Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderfull Life" star Richard E Grant as he downs relevant bottles of spirits and reads aloud Sheakspear plays in inner city shopping malls . This week voilence errupts as Richard struggles to drunkenly master a scottish accent whilst reading "MacBeth" .

Hess Time
A retrospective look at the lives and times of former Nazi Rudolph Hess , mixed in whith Bernard Manning jokes and soundtracked by MC Hammer . Warning , contains lurid flashing colours and scenes some viewers may find boak inducing .  

Rosie And Jim 
Pant shiteingly frightfull horror based on the childrens Tv show of the same name . Set on a river barge , two muppets try to kill their owner by stealing his food at every turn . Stars Billy Zane , Sam Neil and Nicole Kidman . (1997)
Sterero , Subtitles 888

Extremely Violent Celebrity De-Tox 
Celebrity reality show set in the Bolivian mountains and Hosted by Roland Rivron . This week Richard Blackwood has his grion area ferociously stamped upton in a bid to strengthen his sexual prowess .

Niles decides to run through the parks of Harlem on a Hobbo stabbing frenzy . He awakens the next day in a pool of blood with a screaming Daphnie , can Marty save the day ?


SnapFax Lifestyle
We follow washed up child star Corey Haim as he tries to live in Glasgow using nothing but a Snap-Fax and a used copy of "The Big Issue" . Also an appearance by Corey Feldman .  

Breif History Of John Travolta   
Professor and Simpsons star Steven Hawkings describes in painfully droll and uninterestingly souless electronic snarls , his version of events that led to the creation of "John Travolta's Career . Includes nail bittingly boring interviews with Nicholas Cage , and a spazmic whirlwind of self indulgent gibberish from Quentin Tarrentino .


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