Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights
Whilst on probabation and under a court order to avoid all alchohol , Andre is seen socialising whilst overtly
tired drunk with the cast of American Psycho .
Stingray is sued by Gerry Anderson's legal team , whilst Max Hoijland is quized about his neo nazzi past . Meanwhile
Lou devises a plan to sell piss on tap under the guise of "Guest Ale" .
Van Hallen
Having rated the Ayr motorway Little Chef 2/10 , Eddie falls foul of the "White Van Man" tag after rear-ending a
herce and horrifying a limozine of distraught mourners .
Prince And The Pauper
Singer/song wirter Prince takes to the streets of London in a bid to berrate
and upsett the local homeless population .
Subtitles 888
Round The Twist
More queer goings on from the twist familly . Old Fay is astonished to find Pete Twist having sex with a
scarecrow . Meanwhile Mr Gribble is beaten at some sort of mayor electorial race for the tenth week running .
Stockmarket Stinkers
This week Craig Charles of Red Dwarf and Lexx fame takes an indepth look at the rise and fall of telecomunications giants
Marconi . Includes strong language , and Wall Street violence that some children may find disturbing .