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Murry Walkers Kill Zone 
Murry Walker Guides us through some of his favourite and most violent Formula One deaths . Tonight Murry tries and fails to cause a catasrophic accident involving David Colthard and Martin Brundle . He also tries to talk to disgraced alcoholic F1 Champ James Hunt back into the driving seat .

Coon Choons
This weeks Hip-Hop and Rap charts hosted by Bernard Manning . This weeks chart Micheal Jackson and Colonel Abrhams . Also a look back at the career of child molesting favourite R-Kelly.

Grants Gaylords
Astrologer Russel Grant goes in search of Britains favourite gaylords . In this episode Russel visits the home of Sir Ian McEllan , and asks why it is Sir Ian must mention his gaylordedness at every turn .

Floyd's Brewery Piss Ups
This week TV chef Keith Floyd visits the La Fee distilery is southern Poland . Horrid scenes as Keith is rushed to hospital after challenging workers to a bottle downing competition .
Subtitles 888

Bez's Twisted Mellons
Musician and artiste Bez visits the nations mental institutions and tries to find out just what twists peoples mellons . Also featured tonight is a heartfelt interview with Adam Ant .
Subtitles 888 , Stereo

Escape From O.C   
Futuristic thriller set in the year 2016 in which infected criminal Snake Pliskin(Chevy Chase) has to battle his way through California and try to save the presidents son before time runs out . Also starring Dolph Lungren and Dan Ackroyd (1987)
Sterero , Subtitles 888

Shite Talk
In this weeks show Mark Lammar asks young asylum seekers why they feel the need to pollute Britian . While Shaun Ryder discusses this weeks topic : "Wiggers" .

Niles tries to convince Frasier to take his father back after a beastiallity embarresment leaves Martin cranky towards Niles  .

Bernards Watch
This week Bernard finially realises the powers of sexual deviance , but it all goes wrong when he accidentally kills himself during an asphixiation curiostity .

Football Classics
Craig Brown looks back upon Scotlands ill-fated 1990 World Cup journey . Guests include turn coat prods such as Richard Gough , and Mo Johnston . Craig aslo asks Jim Leighton why he chose to continue his playing career , despite having his face smashed to pieces on no less than 7 ocassions .


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