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Murry Walkers Kill Zone 
Last In Series. A prank goes horribly wrong as Murry , posing as an accountant , is killed by a wild eyed and terminally bankrupt Eddie Jordan .

Coon Choons
Taken off the waves after a spate of race crimes leaves musicians 50 Cent and Usher hospitalised in intensive care .

Hitlers Drawing Board
Dramatic full colour digitally restored footage of previously unseen , and eventually un-used Nazi inventions . Tonights show focusses on "The Jewmarck" , a seemingly normal German bank note that exploded on contact with greedy Jewish hands .
Subtitles 888

Hell House
Chinese Tv gameshow hosted by Pat Sharp in which famillies with more than one child have them fight to the death in a "Running Man" style .
Subtitles 888

Reality game show in which contestants are subjected to the Aerosmith/Run DMC line "Walk This Way" played over and over again , whilst having to operate heavy machinery and stay awake for 168 hours . Hosted by Jack D .

Jim Davidson's "Death Disco"
Live footage of comedian Jim Davidson's execution at The Royal Albert Hall , acompanied by Dicsco music of the late Barry Gibb .
Stereo (PG 12)

Tron 2 
Cannes Film Festival (best picture) winning sequel starring Gene Wilder . Fantasy turns into to reality as computer hacker Gene wilder is sucked into his Mac Classic , and made to battle against Marlon Brando's electronic army . Including Oscar winning score by Gary Numan
Sterero , Subtitles 888

Shite Talk

Niles has to bail Martin out of jail after his alzheimers suffering father goes on a kill crazy rampage through Harlem in the belief that the balck population is trying to steal his shaddow .

Thundercats 2000  
Horrid Jap re-make in which every character is obscured out of recognition and given big spikey hair . Also expect lurid flashing colours and dreadfull dubbing by stressed out 40 yearold American women . Also with the voice of Danny DeVito .

Football Classics
Craig Brown looks back upon Scotlands ill-fated 2002 European Championship Cup Qualifying journey . Guests include turn coat prods such as Ian Durrant , and Allan (Magic) Johnston . Craig aslo asks Christain Dailly what it is like to break your nose 5 times , and demands to know why Neil Sullivan suddenly decided he was Scottish .


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