The Arena Of The Unwell

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Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights  
Having lost another $200,000 on poker , Andre finally lashes out on an unsuspecting Sue Barker . Terror reigns at wimbeldon as Andre takes hostage a stunned and slightly drunk Borris Becker .

Having previously recovered from blindness , Stuart miraculously recovers from horrific lepracy , promting Harold to fall at his feat wailing "Christ has risen" . Meanwhile Conner is found creeping round a local primary school poorly conceiling an errection .

Van Hallen
We follow fallen rock idol Eddie Van Hallen as he tours and rates Britians Little Chef motorway restraunts , whilst living in a poorly furnished white transit van .
Subtitles 888

Ray Mears' Bush Craft
We follow intrepid explorer Ray Mears as he bids to dish out topiary style vaginal pubic trimmings in and around the artic cirlce . 
Subtitles 888

Round The Twist
Bronson has degradingly public intercourse with a stray dog and blames it on the Beastiality Fairy . Meanwhile Mr Gribble is covered head to toe in shit for no apparent reason .

Punch And Judy  
Late night version of the popular daytime show "Richard And Judy" . Tonight Richard and or Judy are cracked across the shins by celeb Ewan McGreagor everytime they shove in a missplaced and poorly timed clip of a new film/show , often with them having allready told you about the clip in excruciating detail .

Chinny Chin Chin Charlie Chan's Chniky Chin Vol. 2
Quentin Tarrentino writes , stars , and directs in this high budget , poorly scripted and generously gored throw away pop film about a sword weilding , anxious , over talkative sheekless blading geek .(2005)
Sterero , Subtitles 888

Britains Worst DIY Surgeon   
Quentin Wilson scours Britian in search of it's worst do it yourself surgeon . In tonighs show we visit Tech teacher Peter from Lancaster who horrendously tore off his genetails in a hulking band saw machine , whilst trying to lance a niggling boil .

TV Star Wars
Tonight Chewy lashes out at Han for looking at him the wrong way twice . Meanwhile a frustrated Lando Carrolisian trawls the swamps of Degobah in search of love .

No Footing , No Footing At All   
Golf shoe evaluation show in the style of an early 5th Gear , hosted by Johnny Depp and Tiff Needell .

The Famous Grouse   
TV Chef Keith Floyd takes to the streets tanked up on Famous Grouse and shows us the best way to barge past a bouncer and or doorman , whilst too pissed to stand up , only 10 minutes after you angirlly lashed out at them for not letting you in originally .


You're making an enemy of your future