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Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights  
Having been temporarily crippled by a bad cortisone injection , Andre enlists the help of freind Micheal Chang to assist him with day to day bodilly functions . Chaos reigns as a racially motivated Chang showers Andre's house in unrine , and throws himself to his death after lamenting his hiddeous weight gain and unsurmountable fall from grace .

Toadie suffers collapse after severe dehydration resulting from his pervesely prefuse sweating whilst manning the tills of the bikini bar . Meanwhile Paul Robinson , like Ahab himself , stalks the streets of Ramsey in search of mercurial revenge for the loss of his leg .

StarTrek The Next Generation
Having been found masturbating in the elevator , Wesley Crusher's career goes from bad to worse as he is assinged to Data's newly opened comedy club . Elsewhere Riker plots Picard's death with a melancholicly drunk Cheif O'Brien .  


Al Pacino's Taxi-Cab Mayhem
A new live show in which hollywood star Al Pacino sets about sexually abusing and humiliating unsuspecting members of the public with his indomitable style of gruff banter and throaty screams . Set in his "Terror Taxi" , this show losely based Cash Cab may distress some viewers .
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Round The Twist
More unearthly goings on from the twist familly . This week the bizarre Bronson is again up to his eyeballs in trouble when he turns Mr Gribble's elder son into a foul mouthed , sexually insatiable cabbage patch doll .

Hip-Hop Mind-Drop  
Live sceintific extravaganza hosted by Dale Winton and Dr Robert Winston . A set of chimps are subjected to days on end of Hip-Hop music in a bid to see if their brains rot .

Freaky Dancin' 
Harroing autobiographical film focussing on the life and times of Happy Monday's maracas man Bez . Starring Jeremy Irons as Bez , and a noteworthy perfromance from Rick Mayall as the chameleonic Sean Ryder .(2005)
Sterero , Subtitles 888

Gordon Ramsey's Get It Straight You Fucking Queers
Vivid self help show in which an exacerbated Gordon Ramsey sets about turning affronted limp wristed fags into staunch hetrosexuals . This week Gordon wrathfully tears appart a weeping Paul from Doncaster's vest top collection .

TV Star Wars
Han loses his temper as Chewy once again neglects to clean the hair from the plug hole . In a bid to escape the ever increasing sense of machismo suffocated bestial feelings , Han decides to move to Degobah , incensing the allready infuriated Yoda .

Cuthbert Lilly ; He's Some Cunt   
Late night spin off from the garrishly lavish kids show "Zap"  . Tonight the half-witted Lilly molests a gang of children after a stint as a secondry school supply teacher goes frantically wrong . Featuring a guest apperance by Neil Buchanan as Pierre-Auguste Renoir .

Alex The Kid In Miracle World    
Late night Bauhaus mine show based on the famous Sega Master System 2 video game of the same name . Notably narrrated by the voice of Jack Nichelson .


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