Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights
Having been temporarily crippled by a bad cortisone injection , Andre enlists the help of freind Micheal Chang
to assist him with day to day bodilly functions . Chaos reigns as a racially motivated Chang showers Andre's house in
unrine , and throws himself to his death after lamenting his hiddeous weight gain and unsurmountable fall from grace
Toadie suffers collapse after severe dehydration resulting from his pervesely prefuse sweating whilst manning the tills
of the bikini bar . Meanwhile Paul Robinson , like Ahab himself , stalks the streets of Ramsey in search of mercurial
revenge for the loss of his leg .
StarTrek The Next Generation
Having been found masturbating in the elevator , Wesley Crusher's career goes from bad to worse as he is assinged
to Data's newly opened comedy club . Elsewhere Riker plots Picard's death with a melancholicly drunk Cheif
O'Brien .

Al Pacino's Taxi-Cab Mayhem
A new live show in which hollywood star Al Pacino sets about sexually abusing
and humiliating unsuspecting members of the public with his indomitable style of gruff banter and throaty screams
. Set in his "Terror Taxi" , this show losely based Cash Cab may distress some viewers .
Subtitles 888
Round The Twist
More unearthly goings on from the twist familly . This week the bizarre Bronson is again up to his eyeballs
in trouble when he turns Mr Gribble's elder son into a foul mouthed , sexually insatiable cabbage patch doll .
Hip-Hop Mind-Drop
Live sceintific extravaganza hosted by Dale Winton and Dr Robert Winston . A set of chimps are subjected to days on end
of Hip-Hop music in a bid to see if their brains rot .