The Arena Of The Unwell

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Andre Agassi's Vegas Nights  
In a moment of unrestrained drunken madness , Andre asks an outrageously missshapen Bjorn Borg to partner him in the US Open Doubles Championship . Ugly scenes as a miscreant Bjorg fails to return one shot , and is subsequently enwrangles a unravveling Andre in a child abuse scandal .

Stingray slits his throat in a vain effort to diffuse his yabbering voice box . Meanwhile Carl accuses Max Hoijland's father of using Nazi cryogenic technology to defy all logic and appear younger than his son .

StarTrek The Next Generation
Whilst visiting a hostile planet Picard leaves Riker in command of the ship . Chaos and terror as Riker snags a bollock on ther corner of a gangway , causing Worf to fly into a voilent panic and Geordie to seperate the ship sending thousands to their death in the godforsaken desolate vacuum of space .

Frank Skinner's Gurning Face
Banal reality show in which Frank Skinner pulls a myriad of gurns into a camera hidden in his bathroom cabinet .
Subtitles 888

Round The Twist
More haunting goings on from the twist familly . Bronson grows a humanoid drone out of old boot strings and cabbages , whilst Pete's mouth is stretched tenfold through some mystic lavatory fountain .

Rick Mayall's Sick Mail   
Rick sends staunch royallisit ex anarchist halfwit turn coat ex funnyman wannabee dreadfull writer Ben Elton a faux knighthood from the queen , sparking deeply upsetting embarresment .

The Boat
Horrid American remake of the classic German film Das Boot . Starring square jawwed emotionless manaquins Matt Damon and Ben Afleck regurgitating a ill translated script by the American Pie 3 writing team . (2005)
Sterero , Subtitles 888

USA -A- O.K.
Deeply awkward streetbased Davina McCall stylised gameshow in which Jamie Kennedy gets archetypal Jap tourists to hiss the American national anthem in twisted dink mouth abberations , then gets them to hollar "USA A OK" for no reason other than an ill disguised revenge for long forgotten Asiatic wars . Includes bursts of Bill Murray pronouncing "Rip" in gook tongue .

TV Star Wars
Yoda looses his keys and demands an arduous week long search in the murky depths of the Degobahean swamps . Meanwhile a drunken Han is sick all over the controlls of the Millenium Falcon , sending it into a deadly spirall of uncontrolable hyperdrive jumps , promting Chewwy to solemly re-evaluate their relationship .   

Kilroy's Shit Diving   
Kilroy breaks his neck whilst impatiantly diving into a empty 40 foot deep swimming pool . Last in series .


The Famous Grouse   
TV Chef Keith Floyd takes to the streets tanked up on Famous Grouse and shows us the best way sneak into the Cathouse Unders or "Voodoo" if you will , and snag an unsuspecting pubescant goddess using naught but the drug flunitrazepam and a charming smile .


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